
Nada Yoga

Nada Yoga is a meditative practice of tuning inward to the Cosmic music Already within us. The Subtle body is resonating with sound and color and is the source of all created sound and creativity.  The "unstruck" sound is called Anahata Nad. The created sound  created through friction or an instrument is called Ahata Nad. The Anahata Nad is Sahaj or spontaneous and always there to be experienced in a meditative state. Numerous saint, musicians and poets have expressed this music in their creative urge in reaching the essence of Anahat Nad. To name a few: Kabir, Rumi, Baba Maluk Das, Mirabai, Tyagaraja, Tukram, Swamiji Turyasangitananda (Alice Coltrane), John Coltrane, and others.

Nada Yoga involves the awakening of the Kundalini shakti through the piercing of the Chakras and balancing of the Ida-Pingala Nadis. The Dehypnotic Meditation and Nada Yoga techniques of Swami Yogiraj Nanak include various practices to help connect with and get a glimpse of this Anahat Nadam. Techniques include the use and exploration of the sound spectrum through the exploration of the gradations of sound currents from Vaikhari to Para-vani through mantras of various frequencies, breathing practices, color visualization, parikrama  movements, mudras and other techniques. In these practices, a devoted practitioner can experience corresponding release of blocks and tension, a renewed flow of energy, heightened perception and spiritual  states, meditative states, culminating in  levels of Samadhi