Prakash Didi

Shrimati Prakash Kapoor, endearingly known as Prakash Didi was the foremost disciple of Swami Yogiraj Nanak and the founding member of the Adhyatmic Sadhana Sangh, founded in 1971. She devoted her entire life to Him and his Mission, to his teachings and His sadhana. A true Sannyasini, she served her Guru unconditionally, supervised all the activities of the Dhyan Yoga Ashram, conducted daily pujas, programs, and sublime Meditations. A Sanskrit scholar, educator, and Poet, she was well versed in the scriptures and the poetry of the Rishis, and in particular to that of Adi Shakaracharya. She edited numerous books and Journals published by the Society as well as many collections of her own poetry. In her Mukti Sara, in Hindi, she captures her spiritual experiences, revelations as transmitted from her Guru.
Prakash Didi composed special Prayers in worship of her Guru and His teachings that became a regular feature recited at all the Satsangs and programs with Swamiji. She served as General Secretary of the Adhyatmic Sadhana Sangh for nearly 40 years. She took Maha Samadhi on November 5, 2008. Swamiji, in His Sublime state wept when she left for His abode.
Prakash “Didi” remains a role model and a source of divine inspiration for All who met and knew her.